Award winning journalist and host of Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman, was arrested by Minneapolis police on Monday, Sept.1, 2008, in the afternoon, while covering an anti-war protest outside the Republican National Convention. Confronted and dragged away by police in riot gear, Goodman was accused of "obstruction of a legal process and interference with a peace officer." Two of her producers were also arrested for "suspicion of felony riot".
Eventually, Goodman and her producers were released without charges being filed against them.
Amy Goodman is one of the most well-known and well-respected journalists in the United States and has a distinguished reputation of bravery and courage.
Democracy Now! is a nationally syndicated public TV and radio program that airs on over 700 non commercial radio and TV stations across the US and the globe.

This story has been largely ignored by the mainstream press. The cable channels are providing extensive coverage of events related to the Republican National Convention, but there has been a virtual news blackout on the arrest of Amy Goodman and the Democracy Now! team.
Americans deserve to know that journalists are being apprehended for trying to do their jobs. Shame on CNN President Jonathan Klein and NBC News President Steve Capus (NBC News controls MSNBC) and their ilk for their failure to extend full and uncensored coverage of critical news events such as this!
Labels: Amalgamated Perspectives, American, Amy Goodman, anti-war, CNN, Democracy Now, election, event, human rights, NBC, people
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