'Moku' is short for 'Modified haiku'. It was originally used to describe Elsner's own characteristic 3 liners which are based on haiku but do not conform to the traditional 17 syllable format.
Contemporary poet Ana Elsner further breaks with haiku tradition in that her imagery is not necessarily based on nature. Instead, her Moku often treat with urban situations, or shine the spotlight on a specific character or state-of-mind.
this baleful time of keening
ghostly alchemy of our deferred grief
glaciers weep
© Ana Elsner(reprinted by permission)
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Labels: Amalgamated Perspectives, Ana Elsner, Author, Book, Ciphers Of Uncommon Origin, Dichter, Gedicht, haiku, InstaPLANET Press, literature, moku, poem, Poet, published, Quote, reading, writer
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